Friday, July 15, 2011

Its all over....

Harry Potter has finally come to a close. I, being the huge Harry Potter fan, went to the midnight release. I had high hopes for this film, and it did not dissapoint. This move got to the action right away. They wasted no time at all. I was n the edge of my seat the entire time. Voldemorts death scene was done so well that I was almost somewhat sad to see him go. His vulnerability shined through in this movie. It's such a bittersweet moment for me, as I am sure it is for a lot of fans. We have literally grown up with these characters, and its wonderful to watch them succeed, yet its sad to know there will never be another harry potter film. My only critisim of this film is that, I wish they had hilighted the deaths of some the characters a bit more. It was almost like they just brushed over some of the characters dying. All in all it was a fantastic film. I feel like my childhood has just been ended though. I hope JK Rowling decides to write more, but for now I am satisfied with watching these woderful wizards.... Mischef Managed :)

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