Friday, July 15, 2011

It Finally Came!!

I just recieved my copy of Everything's Fine by The Summer Set. I have listened to all the songs, and they are all great. 'About A Girl' sets the scene for this record. Brian Dales vocals on the tracks somehow seem to flow so smoothly to the music. Almost like they were made for eachother. So far I really love the songs 'Must Be The Music' and 'Thick as Theives'. This Album is a bit of a new direction for the summer set. You can hear their pop sound in songs like Someone Like You, but then you hear their softer sides on tracks such as "Mona Lisa' and 'Dont Let Me Go'. I have anticipated this album for quite some time now. I think this is a step in the right direction for the Summer Set. I am eager to hear what they come up with next.

Its all over....

Harry Potter has finally come to a close. I, being the huge Harry Potter fan, went to the midnight release. I had high hopes for this film, and it did not dissapoint. This move got to the action right away. They wasted no time at all. I was n the edge of my seat the entire time. Voldemorts death scene was done so well that I was almost somewhat sad to see him go. His vulnerability shined through in this movie. It's such a bittersweet moment for me, as I am sure it is for a lot of fans. We have literally grown up with these characters, and its wonderful to watch them succeed, yet its sad to know there will never be another harry potter film. My only critisim of this film is that, I wish they had hilighted the deaths of some the characters a bit more. It was almost like they just brushed over some of the characters dying. All in all it was a fantastic film. I feel like my childhood has just been ended though. I hope JK Rowling decides to write more, but for now I am satisfied with watching these woderful wizards.... Mischef Managed :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Everything's Fine :(

So After The Friday Is Forever tour, I went back to my hotel all pumped up from the show, and then listened to some of The Summer Set's new songs. They are releasing one track a day until the album comes out. Check it out on

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Friday Is Forever Tour!!!

To day is sunday, and I'm leaving for the Friday Is Forever Tour. A ton of great bands are going on this tour, and Im very excited to hear some new music. Hot Chelle Rae, We The Kings, The Summer Set. It doesnt get much better then that!! I can't wait. The only sad thing is I wont be able to post any pics, cuz i cant take my camera with me. It should be fun, and everyone should check out these bands!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Transformers 3 Review

Yes I know this movie has been out for about a week, but I just got around to seeing it. Transformers: Dark of the Moon is the third installment of the Transformers franchise. Walking in to a Michael Bay movie I completley exect to be entertained from begining to end. This movie was no exception. Big Time movie critics have bashed the movie, saying it doesnt live up to the other transformers movies. I disagree. Everyone that I have talked to has loved this movie. The 3D was fantastic, the sound track is to die for, the writing was excellent, and for some of us Megan Fox not being in it was an added bonus. Don't worry boys, this new girl is pretty cute too! And Ladies, Shia is looking as good as ever!I highly recomend this movie. It is definetly something you will want to see in the theater. Dont wait for the DVD, seeing it on the big screen will be worth your money.
A 4th enstallment is already in the works. Sadly Michael Bay has already stated that he will not be directing the next transformers. Steven Speilberg is said to sign on. Also not returning is the lead actor Shia Labeouf, to continue his role as Sam whitwicky. The actor rumored to be taking his role is Jason Satham. Personally I think it is a bad idea for anyone to continue this franchise without its leading man. Of course it is worth mentioning that Speilberg has never made a bad movie in his life. We will see soon enough.

Caylee Anthony

So I promised to keep up on this thing and there is a news story that needs some light shed on it. The Caylee Anthony case has come to a close. Casey Anthony was found not gulity for the murder of 2 year old Caylee Anthony. Most of the public response has been negative. Personally I didnt follow the case until recently. The evidence that I have seen would lead me to belive that she was in fact guilty of murder. However, the court failed to prove that she was 100% guilty so she was aquitted of all charges. She was however charged with 4 counts of lying to the police.
So tell me your thoughts. Gulity or not? Does she deserve more time in jail for lying to the police?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


So I forgot that I had a tumblr too. I acually am really getting in to it. I would definetly apreciate some followers on tumblr too. My Tumblr is
I also have a twitter account that could use some more peeps to talk to just search @lovelaina
If you follow me on either one of those sites, I will try to follow you back, and thank you :)

Who is your fave character