Thursday, July 7, 2011

Transformers 3 Review

Yes I know this movie has been out for about a week, but I just got around to seeing it. Transformers: Dark of the Moon is the third installment of the Transformers franchise. Walking in to a Michael Bay movie I completley exect to be entertained from begining to end. This movie was no exception. Big Time movie critics have bashed the movie, saying it doesnt live up to the other transformers movies. I disagree. Everyone that I have talked to has loved this movie. The 3D was fantastic, the sound track is to die for, the writing was excellent, and for some of us Megan Fox not being in it was an added bonus. Don't worry boys, this new girl is pretty cute too! And Ladies, Shia is looking as good as ever!I highly recomend this movie. It is definetly something you will want to see in the theater. Dont wait for the DVD, seeing it on the big screen will be worth your money.
A 4th enstallment is already in the works. Sadly Michael Bay has already stated that he will not be directing the next transformers. Steven Speilberg is said to sign on. Also not returning is the lead actor Shia Labeouf, to continue his role as Sam whitwicky. The actor rumored to be taking his role is Jason Satham. Personally I think it is a bad idea for anyone to continue this franchise without its leading man. Of course it is worth mentioning that Speilberg has never made a bad movie in his life. We will see soon enough.

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